Selected Works

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Thursday, September 27, 2012


Yes that's right, everyone's favorite...but first some news!

Been very busy for the last few months wrapping up some work on Dead Space 3, and I'm just finishing an interactive graphic novel as well, so stay tuned for some fancy stuff in the near future!

 In the meantime, Ballistic Publishing has just released EXPOSÉ 10 which you can check out here! This time around, the good ol' Junkasaurus made it in, as well as this roboty guy, who got the Excellence Award in the Robotic/Cyborg category. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

Finally, I did a few concepts  for an upcoming tabletop game which will be up for funding soon over on Kickstarter:

go check out project THON and look for it on Kickstarter next month! They've even gotten some first sculpts of stuff going, which is pretty cool:

More news as it comes..til then, good night and good luck

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Murder Miners box art

Another recent project that I'm finally able to post- The box art to Jforce Games Murder Miners!

 continue on for a little process work...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Offworld now out on the app store!

so everyone go out and start up you inter nets and navigate towards the Apple store and pick up your free copy today!

stay tuned for more roboty goodness soon!