Sometimes I wonder if the earliest concepts artists had it easier. If you needed to design a troll or something, you could pretty much do whatever you wanted and it would probably be pretty original. Big ugly guy, maybe a club in his hand, maybe giant feets, and viola! Everyone else is painting flowers and popes and whatnot, I'm pretty sure this hasn't been done before...
The reason this came to my mind is when I set about to do a fantasy character, how difficult it was to avoid making something that had been done a hundred times before. If you think about it, the fantasy genre is pretty hasn't changed all that much in the time it's been around..and if you don't believe me take a look at Rackham sometime..if you ask me that's ready to be modeled rigged and animated.
Anyways, with all that bla bla out of the way, here's my latest character piece. The narrative I was trying to build around this guy is that he's been on his own wandering for some time and has to cobble together his armor from guys he defeats..I layered the armour in such a way that you could see a progression of styles over the thousands of years he's walked the earth..from bronze greek armour to plated horse armour ( on the last variant )

also I just gotta say it's still a bit of a thrill for me when I get metal to look just right...